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Product Images Helpful Tips


Helpful Tips


      • The components of the image name must be separated by an underscore or hyphen so our system knows where the style number ends and the color begins.
      • If you have hyphens within your style numbers or colors, use underscores as your dividers. Vice versa, if the components contain underscores, then use hyphens.
      • The components must be an exact match to what is in the product data. Exact match refers to the spelling and spacing - it is not case sensitive.
      • If slashes exist in your style name or color, substitute space in the image file name.
      • To resize your images in bulk we recommend: Resize Sense (for Mac users), or Fast Stone Resizer (for PC users)
      • To rename your images in bulk we suggest: Name Changer (for Mac users); EF Multi File Renamer (for PC users)
      • If you have changed your image naming convention, be sure to reload your product data afterward for the changes to take effect.

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Our support team is here to assist if you run into something unexpected. Contact our support team here: digitaltradeevent@nuorder.com